Lisa Baumgarten
Critical design mediation – Kritische Designvermittlung
⤻ Design ⤻ Research/Writing ⤻ Education/Workshops ⤻ Curation

In Dialogue with Things
Im Dialog mit den DingenThe design, use and classification of things shapes our social interactions, but also our relationships to each other and to things themselves. How can the stories of things reveal forms of hierarchization and the exercise of power? And what role do educational institutions play in the construction and recognition of these stories? Instead of providing answers, questions in a Q&Q will uncover different levels of and around stories of things.
︎︎︎You can find the english translation of the dialogue HERE.
“In Dialogue with Things” was performed at
Lange Nacht der Ideen 2019, an event organized by re:publica and Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin.
At dgtf Conference 2019 in Kassel – 15. November 2019, and at Brandwandgespräche Berlin in January 2020.
Dialogue conceptualized, written and performed with Anja Neidhardt.
This text is published under the Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0. As long as attribution is given to the author or copyright holder, this licence allows reusers to copy, distribute, and display or perform the material in public. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. The material may be modified (such as for translations). Modified material must be distributed unter the same license.
Lange Nacht der Ideen 2019, an event organized by re:publica and Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin.
At dgtf Conference 2019 in Kassel – 15. November 2019, and at Brandwandgespräche Berlin in January 2020.
Dialogue conceptualized, written and performed with Anja Neidhardt.
This text is published under the Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0. As long as attribution is given to the author or copyright holder, this licence allows reusers to copy, distribute, and display or perform the material in public. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. The material may be modified (such as for translations). Modified material must be distributed unter the same license.