Lisa Baumgarten
Critical design mediation – Kritische Designvermittlung
⤻ Design ⤻ Research/Writing ⤻ Education/Workshops ⤻ Curation
Discrimination Follows Design
Design Follows Discrimination
A Feminist perspective on Design and Design educationLisa Baumgarten and Anja Neidhardt
Making is at the centre of both feminism and design. It is about more than representation, blue and pink packages, role models or a female vendetta. This is about a more equal world for all – not about simply flipping power relations. Design makes our world, and while doing so, it reproduces discriminatory structure. That is why it has to change fundamentally.
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This article was originally written in the course of a commission by the design magazine FORM and published on March 19, 2020 in FORM issue N° 287
“Women and Design” on p. 160.
Unfortunately our footnotes and annotations were not printed, therefore we provide a complete version of the article here in english and german to download for free.
This text is published under the Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0. As long as attribution is given to the author or copyright holder, this licence allows reusers to copy, distribute, and display or perform the material in public. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. The material may be modified (such as for translations). Modified material must be distributed unter the same license.
“Women and Design” on p. 160.

Unfortunately our footnotes and annotations were not printed, therefore we provide a complete version of the article here in english and german to download for free.
This text is published under the Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0. As long as attribution is given to the author or copyright holder, this licence allows reusers to copy, distribute, and display or perform the material in public. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. The material may be modified (such as for translations). Modified material must be distributed unter the same license.